Welcome to Oak Class! Miss Field and Mrs Lawson are the class teachers.
In Oak Class we value the importance of becoming independent and self motivated learners. We love to be pushed out of our comfort zones and to try new things and approaches. We know this will build our confidence and help us to become resilient individuals. Our class motto is 'Mighty Oaks grow from Little Acorns'.
We learn through practical experiences and develop new skills through our work. We work hard to achieve and progress whilst having fun.
We follow the 2014 National Curriculum for Literacy, Numeracy and other non-core subjects. The core skills are delivered in the mornings often during separate year group teaching, incorporating Guided Reading, Phonics/Spelling Shed, Literacy and Numeracy.
In Year 1 there is a period of transition from Foundation Stage when children have whole class teaching followed up with focus group work where the work will be pitched at the child's ability.
In Year 2 we improve on the basic skills learnt in Year 1. We learn to write for purpose and for effect in Literacy and to reason and problem solve in Numeracy. This is great preparation for the start of Key Stage 2 in Willow Class.
- Read with an adult (5-10 mins per day)
- Tricky words and spelling practice (5-10 minutes approx 3 times per week)
- Number bonds and Maths Facts (5-10 minutes approx 3 times per week)