Once in school we offer:
- Regular messages and updates shared on Class Dojo
- Text reminders and updates
- Monthly newsletters
- Website
- Termly diary dates to show all that is going on in school and to give plenty of notice.
- Surveys from parents and pupils
- Celebration assemblies to share achievements, attendance children’s birthdays
- Parents' consultations are held in October and March and enable us to offer longer time slots, to update you on pupil progress, targets and share information.
- End of year school report.
- Open mornings and individual tours for prospective parents
- Parents' meetings, eg. early reading, SATs preparation, e-safety.
- Children invite parents in to share productions at different times of the year eg. KS1 Nativity play,
- Active PTA, with representatives for each class.
- Parent Governors
Staff are there at the end of the day, but in the morning please address any queries via the office so that lessons start promptly.
We aim to build positive relationships at all levels to strengthen our school community.